Delaware Society Committees
Complete committee assignments may be found HERE.
Awards Committee
Description: This committee is responsible for recommending, reviewing and presenting all member, community and youth awards for approval of the Board of Managers. The committee also oversees those youth award programs and activities not otherwise assigned to one of the committees listed below.
Committee Chairman: John Barlow
Boy Scout Awards Committee
Description: This committee oversees the Delaware Society's component of the National Arthur M. & Bernadena King Eagle Scout Scholarship Contest. In addition, the committee coordinates the presentation of Eagle Scout Recognition Certificates honoring those Scouts within the Del-Mar-Va Council, BSA who reach this rank. Finally, the Boy Scout Awards Committee recommends qualified individuals for the Robert E. Burt Boy Scout Volunteer Award.
Committee Chairman: Noel Kuhrt
Cadet Recognition Committee
Description: This committee conducts the annual Enhanced JROTC Outstanding Cadet Contest and communicates with the Army, Air Force, Navy and Marine Corps JROTC programs within the State of Delaware. The committee also coordinates the presentation of ROTC Medals for Excellence with the Army and Air Force ROTC battalions at the University of Delaware. The committee also seeks to recognize those outstanding members of the Sea Cadet Corps and the Civil Air Patrol for their contributions to the community.
Committee Chairman: John Barlow
Chapter Support Committee
Description: This committee works with the Membership committee to further its goals with the Chapters by developing appropriate programs, events, activities and services designed to increase membership and active participation in DESSAR. The DESSAR Second Vice President chairs this committee.
Chair Second Vice President:
DAR/CAR Liaison Committee
Description: This committee contacts the Regent of the Delaware Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution and with the State Representative of the Delaware Society of the Children of the American Revolution to inform them of DESSAR activities and projects. It also brings suggestions for joint projects and activities with these organizations to the Board of Managers.
DAR Committee Chairman: Harry Roberts III CAR Committee Chairman: Troy L. Foxwell
Finance Committee
Description: This committee is charged with the administration of the financial policy of the Delaware Society and shall prepare annual budget recommendations for the Board of Managers. This committee oversees all financial audits. The DESSAR Treasurer chairs this committee.
Chair Treasurer: Troy L. Foxwell
Flag Committee
Description: This committee coordinates with DESSAR Chapters to encourage the presentation of Flag Certificates to organizations, businesses and individuals within Delaware who fly the American flag to display their patriotism.
Committee Chairman: Harry Thomes
Knight Historical Essay Committee
Description: This committee notifies Delaware High Schools of this contest, including contest requirements and deadlines. It judges the submitted essays and chooses a contestant to represent Delaware at the NSSAR contest at the Annual Congress.
Committee Chairman:
Membership Committee
Description: This committee is responsible for all matters related to the DESSAR membership, including the recruitment of new members, the retention of current members and the reinstatement of delinquent members.
Committee Co Chairman: William Regli
Newsletter Committee
Description: This committee is responsible for publishing a DESSAR Newsletter to be distributed to Compatriots on a regular basis and post newsletters on the DESSAR website to share all newsworthy activities of the Society. The chairman of the committee is the Editor of the Delaware Compatriot.
Committee Editor:
Nominating Committee
Description: This committee shall be chaired by the immediate past DESSAR President and composed of three additional Active Members of the Society, no more than two of whom shall be current members of the Board of Managers. This committee shall submit a slate of officers at least 30 days before the Annual Meeting.
Committee Chairman: Troy L. Foxwell
Patriot Graves & Registry & Biography Committee
Description: This committee organizes and coordinates the efforts of the DESSAR and State Chapters in identifying and when possible, marking the graves of Patriots buried in Delaware.
Committee Co Chairman: William Richardson
Rumbaugh Oration Contest Committee
Description: This committee conducts the annual contest in connection with The American Legion, Department of Delaware and selects a winner to represent Delaware as part of the National Society’s Historical Oration Contest.
Committee Chairman: Peter K. Moller
Veterans Committee
Description: This committee administers the National Society's veteran recognition programs as well coordinating the Delaware Society's volunteer hours at the Veterans Administration Hospital in Elsemere, DE.
Committee Chairman: Peter K. Moller
Website Committee
Description: This committee is responsible for periodic updates to the Delaware Society's webpage, including compliance with the requirements of the National Society' Robert B. Vance Award, and recommending additional technologies to increase the utility of the website.
Committee Chairman: